The aim of the Body Builder app is to help children learn about different body organs, their functions, and spatial relationships in a fun and engaging way, combining education with interactive gameplay.
Problem statement
Children often face difficulty understanding the human body’s complex structure and functions due to traditional learning methods, which may lack hands-on interaction. There’s a need for an app that makes learning about body organs enjoyable and engaging, reinforcing knowledge through play and real-time challenges.
Major Widgets / Extensions used used
Image: Images have been added to enhance the learning experience, including the TinkerSpace logo, images of 7 key body organs, and visual feedback for gameplay outcomes, such as mission success and mission failed images.
Label: Labels are used to display the title, instructions, and countdown timer.
Button: Buttons are used for navigating the app, including “Learn,” “Assemble,” and “Back,” allowing users to easily access different sections and return to the previous screens.
Canvas: The canvas option in MIT App Inventor is used, where the ImageSprite feature displays a plain body image along with 7 individual body organs, allowing users to interact with and assemble the body parts in the game.
Clock: A clock (non-visible) has been added to serve as a timer for the assembling game.
Text to Speech: A text-to-speech (non-visible) component is added to announce whether the answer is correct or wrong and asks questions during the game.
Sound: The sound component is added to play beeping sounds for right and wrong actions, enhancing the interactive experience with auditory feedback during the game.
Intro Script for App Demo
Welcome to Body Builder—a fun and educational app designed to teach kids about the human body in an interactive way! Through a learn-and-play approach, children can explore different body organs and their functions. After gaining knowledge, they can test their skills in the “Assemble” section, where they have 21 seconds to identify and place body organs correctly. Success is rewarded, but any mistake or failure to complete the task within the time limit results in a mission failure, encouraging quick thinking and accurate learning.
App Pages
The home screen features the TinkerSpace logo at the top, with a full-body image and internal organs as the background. It includes two buttons: “Learn,” which allows users to explore the functions of each organ, and “Assemble,” where they can test their knowledge by playing the organ assembly game.
The Learn page displays the TinkerSpace logo at the top, followed by the title and instructions. It includes a full-body picture in the center, along with seven images of different body organs for kids to learn about. There are also two buttons: “Back” to return to the home screen and “Assemble” to move on to the assembly game.
The Assemble page features the TinkerSpace logo at the top, along with the title and a “Start Assemble” button to begin the game. A timer value is displayed, counting down the 21-second time limit. The page also includes a full-body picture and seven images of body organs, which users must drag and place correctly within the time limit to complete the challenge.
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