Smart Beehive Monitoring


The aim of the project is to Monitor beehive conditions, including temperature and Light, to support beekeeping.

Problem statement

To gather data on hive conditions, including temperature, humidity, hive weight, and sound levels. The system should offer real-time insights into the hive’s health, alert beekeepers to potential issues such as hive disturbances or abnormal conditions, and facilitate remote monitoring. The objective is to enhance beekeeping practices, promote bee colony well-being, and contribute to the sustainable management of pollination in agriculture.

Material used

Input: Tempertaure Sensor and Light Sensor
Brain: TinkerSpace Brain Board
Output: DC Motor and Servo Motor
Battery: 5V Lithium-ion rechargeable battery

Component description
Light sensor
The function of light sensor is to detect the light and send the signal to the Brain unit (TinkerSpace board). 
Temperature sensor

The function of temperature sensor is to detect the temperature and send the signal to the Brain unit (TinkerSpace board). 

DC Motor

DC motor is used to maintain the temperature when the temperature is too high

Servo Motor

 Servo motor is used to open and close the window to maintain the appropriate light required for Bee nest

TinkerSpace Brain Board

TinkerSpace board acts as brain of this project, its function is to monitor Tempertaure Sensor and Light Sensors and control the DC Motor and Servo Motor.


5V Lithium-Ion battery is used to power-up this project

Working description

Case 1: When temperature is low,  temperature sensor turns OFF and sends the signal to the brain board. The brain board turns off the fan.

Case 2:When temperature is high,  temperature sensor turns ON and sends the signal to the brain board. The brain board turns on the fan.

Case 3: When the light is less , light sensor turns OFF and sends the signal to the brain board. The brain board oscillates the servo motor to 0 Degree(Window opens partially).

Case 4: When the light is more,  light sensor turns ON and sends the signal to the brain board. The brain board oscillates the servo motor to 60 Degree(Window closes partially).



Circuit Design (DesignSpace)

Step 1: Connect  TEMPERTURE SENOSOR to input 1 and LIGHT SENSOR to input 2

Step 2: Connect DC MOTOR to output 1 and SERVO MOTOR  to output 2

Step 3: Connect supply and test project.

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