The aim of the app is to provide a simple and effective tool for users, especially students, to calculate the total cost of vegetable purchases. By entering the price and quantity of each item, the app helps promote basic math skills and financial awareness while making grocery shopping more convenient and fun.
Problem statement
Calculating the total cost of vegetable purchases can be challenging, especially for students and young users unfamiliar with basic budgeting. There is a need for a user-friendly tool that simplifies this process by allowing easy entry of prices and quantities, promoting financial literacy and helping users manage their grocery expenses effectively.
Major Widgets / Extensions used used
Image: Images have been added to the app to display the logo and showcase pictures of various items like carrot, beetroot, pumpkin, tomato and potato
Label: Labels have been added to the app to display the title, various vegetables (names), their rates, amounts, and the total amount.
Textbox: Textboxes have been included in the app for users to enter the rates and quantities of different vegetables.
Button: Four buttons have been added to the app: one to start billing, one to calculate the total price, one to clear the amounts, and one to restart the billing process.
Intro Script for App Demo
Welcome to the Veg Tally App! This app is designed to make grocery shopping for vegetables easy and efficient. By simply entering the price and quantity of each vegetable, the app instantly calculates the total cost of your purchases. Its user-friendly interface is perfect for students learning basic math and budgeting skills. Whether you’re buying tomatoes, carrots, or any other vegetables, the Veg Tally App helps you manage your expenses with ease. Join us as we demonstrate how this app makes shopping smarter and more convenient!
App Pages
The home page of the Veg Tally App features a simple layout where users can input the current rates for five different types of vegetables. Each item has its own textbox for entering the price per count. A “Start Billing” button is available to initiate the billing process, allowing users to proceed with calculating the total cost based on the entered rates.
The main billing page of the Veg Tally displays the images of the five vegetables—alongside the rates entered on the home page. Users can input the desired quantity for each item in the corresponding textboxes. Once the quantities are entered, users can click the “Total” button to instantly calculate the total price for their selections. Additionally, there are options to “Clear” the amounts, resetting the quantities to zero, and “Reset Pricing,” allowing users to start fresh with new prices.
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