The aim of the Voting App (Basic) is to provide a secure and user-friendly platform for casting votes in an election. By implementing measures to prevent duplicate voting and ensuring transparency through an admin login feature, the app promotes fair and accurate voting practices among users.
Problem statement
Traditional voting methods can be prone to issues such as fake voting and inadequate monitoring. There is a need for a digital solution that safeguards against fraudulent activities while ensuring that the voting process is simple and accessible for all users. The Voting App (Basic) addresses these challenges by limiting voting frequency and allowing for real-time result checking by authorized administrators.
Major Widgets / Extensions used used
Image: Images are utilized for the TinkerSpace logo and feature five distinct symbols representing the five candidates.
Label: Labels are used for the title, candidate names, their class, results, exit confirmation, and instructions.
Button: Buttons are included for voting on the five candidates, admin login, checking results, restarting the voting process, and exit confirmation with yes or no options.
PasswordTextbox: A password textbox has been added for the admin to enter the password and access the results.
Sound: A sound component (non-visible) has been added to play sounds during the voting process.
Clock: A clock (non-visible) has been added to serve as a timer for the voting process.
Intro Script for App Demo
Welcome to the Voting App, an innovative solution designed to streamline the voting process while ensuring fairness and security! With 5 default candidates, users can easily cast their votes, with a built-in mechanism that prevents duplicate voting for 5 seconds, ensuring each vote counts. A beep sound enhances the voting experience, providing immediate feedback to users.
Additionally, an admin login feature allows authorized personnel to check results in real-time, promoting transparency throughout the voting process. Join us as we demonstrate how the Voting App revolutionizes the way we engage in elections, making it safer and more accessible for everyone!
App Pages
The home screen of the Voting App (Basic) features a clean and intuitive layout designed for easy navigation. At the top, the TinkerSpace logo is prominently displayed, followed by the title of the app. Labels indicate the names and classes of the five candidates, along with the results and exit confirmation instructions.
Voting buttons are available for each of the five candidates, making it simple for users to cast their votes. An admin login option is provided, along with a password textbox for entering credentials to check results. Additional buttons allow users to restart the voting process and confirm exit with yes or no options. Sound components enhance the experience by playing sounds during the voting process, ensuring an engaging and interactive environment for all users.
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